Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Homework for Wednesday & Thursday Feb. 23-24

5th & 6th grades



5th grade

L. Arts- highlight nouns & adjectives in song lyrics due Th.

6th grade

Religion- Chapter 14 due Thursday; study for Chapter 14 test & spelling words for THURSDAY
Psalm homework if not finished in class Wed.

Health- WS due Th.

Reading- Chapters 4-6 WS due Th.

Social studies- packet due Monday (first 3 pages)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Laura & Hallie's model of El Castillo

From the Mayan civilization 

Spelling words Week of February 22

Homework- Monday, February 22

6th grade

Religion- worksheet 

L. Arts- free write story due & adverb quiz

5th grade

Reading- bring 2 copies of school appropriate song lyrics. Highlight refrain & repetition on one copy 

L. Arts- adjective quiz

Friday, February 19, 2016

Formal Friday!

These ladies looked beautiful for church!  Danielle, Julie, Hallie & Laura

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Homework- Thursday, February 18

5th & 6th grade both should be working on their book projects & AR goals due FEBRUARY 29th (MONDAY)

6th grade social studies project due Monday, February 22!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Homework- WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17


BOTH GRADES SHOULD BE WORKING ON THEIR BOOK PROJECTS & AR GOALS DUE FEBRUARY 29 (MONDAY). This is a light homework week for both grades- no spelling or religion tests!


Religion- spelling (review) words & haiku due tomorrow 

Social studies- project due Monday, Feb. 22

Religion spelling words week of Feb. 17

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Homework- Thursday, Feb . 10

5th grade

Spelling- test tomorrow

L. Arts- finish letter if not done & share w/ Mrs. L.

6th grade

Religion- spelling words, study Chapter 13, Chapter 13 review due, & essay due tomorrow

Wear red on top tomorrow- uniform on bottom including belt!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Homework- Tuesday, February 10

5th grade 

Spelling- WS

6th grade

Religion- spelling words & essay due Friday. WS (1 side due tomorrow)


Social studies- class notes due THIS Thursday

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Homework- Thursday, February 4

5th & 6th grades

Book project & AR papers due tomorrow!  Make sure you send in your electronic sign up!


6th grade

Religion- Unit III review due & study for test 

L. Arts- Ben/mal review paper & study for mal tests. 

Health- study guide due Monday. 

Reading- family roots project due tomorrow!!

Green Day tomorrow!!

Twins separated by 4 years :)

Twins separated at birth

Q and U

Love the shirts :)

Mine craft twins!

Our class triplets!!!!

Our class twin divas

All 6th grade parents need to attend this meeting!

Mr. Butler

Some of my service group "fellas" with Mr. Butler, who taught us all about the military!
The "fellas" - Michael, Sean, Daniel, Andrew, Aiden, Josh, & Alex with the thumbs up in front!  Sean was so proud to have his dad here!

Police dog Mylo!

Life light nurse

Former parent, Jill Keller, came and shared her amazing & thrilling career with our students!  We miss this wonderful family at our school!  She might have to fly in & assist Mrs. Livengood if she ever DID try to play football!

Mayor Bulan

The mayor was kind enough to visit us on Career Day. Here she is with the 6th graders from the Service Leadership Group- Eleanor, Aiden, Laura, & Michael

Our medical team on Career Day!

Dr. Lopez, Dr. Plott, Dr. Landers, Dr. Rutger, & Dr. Tovo

International Food Day!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Homework- WEDNESDAY, February 3

5th and 6th grades

Book project sign ups due Friday!!  Paper & electronic sign ups

6th grade

Religion- Unit III review due Friday

Health- study guide due Monday

Social studies- research paper due tomorrow!!

Reading- family roots project due Friday

L. Arts- mal/parts of speech paper due tomorrow

Twin Day tomorrow!

International Food Day MONDAY!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Homework- Tuesday, February 2nd

5th & 6th grades

Book project sign ups due Friday!  Also, AR sheets due Friday!

6th grade

Religion- Unit III review due Friday; Jeopardy starts tomorrow

L. Arts- charity essay due tomorrow

Social studies- research paper due Thursday

Reading- family roots project due Friday

Career Day tomorrow!!

Pajama Day!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Homework- MONDAY, Feb. 1

Both 5th & 6th grades

Book projects sign up due Friday- both handwritten copy & electronic copy

5th grade

L. Arts- noun quiz tomorrow

6th grade 

Religion- Unit Review due Friday

L. Arts- mal puzzle; charity essay due Wednesday

Readng- family roots project due Friday

PJ day tomorrow