Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blizzard Bags

In order to make up for our snow days, the students will be given "Blizzard Bag" assignments today.  The students will receive the equivalent of 3 days of work to make up for 3 school days missed.  For my classes, the assignments are due the Monday we return from break, Monday, April 7th.  Please contact me with any questions.

Homework, Thursday, March 27th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion- Chapter 16 Review and Test

Social Studies - 6th grade--> Lesson 1 worksheet due tomorrow

Language Arts - Super Hero Storybook

Reading - none

Colin & Macy

Colin showed us Macy's tricks including fetch the bone & roll over!  Thanks, Colin!

Special visitor!

Colin brought in his dog, Macy, for his book project!  We enjoyed her visit!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fish Fry


Homework - Wed., March 26

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - 5th grade--> Explorer Project due tomorrow, 6th grade--> Vocab Preview due tomorrow

Language Arts - none

Reading - AR and Book Projects due tomorrow!!!!

4th Grade

Reading - AR and Book Projects due tomorrow!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Homework - Tuesday, March 25th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - worksheet

Social Studies - 6th Grade--> Vocab Preview due Thurs., 5th Grade- Explorer Project due Thurs.

L. Arts - none

Reading - Lincoln reading and questions
AR Goals and Book Projects due Thursday!

4th Grade

Language Arts - Pronoun Packet and winter storybook due tomorrow

Reading - AR Goals and Book Projects due Thursday!

Homework - Monday, March 24th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - 6th grade--> open book test due tomorrow, 5th grade--> Explorer Project due Thursday (will have class time tomorrow)

L. Arts - Scrap copy of super hero story due tomorrow

Reading - AR Goals and Book Projects due Thursday!

4th Grade

Language Arts - Pronoun Packet and winter storybook due Wed.

Reading - AR Goals and Book Projects due Thursday!


All 5th and 6th grade students are being asked to help at the annual Fish Fry next Friday, March 28th.  Please plan on it!  Contact Billie Sewall for information and/or questions! 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Homework - Thursday, March 20

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Chapter 15 review and test

Social Studies - worksheet due tomorrow, both grades
5th grade project and chapter review due tomorrow!

Language Arts - Comma paper and TEST tomorrow, Bio/Vit Review and test on Viv words tomorrow

Reading - NONE :)

4th Grade

Spelling - 107-108 all

Some students need to type their winter stories on the computer for class tomorrow.

Our class loves to help the Earth!

Go Green Day - 3/20/14

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homework - Wednesday, March 19th

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 106

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - 6th grade--> worksheet

Language Arts - Comma paper & study for test Friday

Reading - none

Social Studies - Both grades have a worksheet due tomorrow
5th grade chapter review and project due Friday!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Homework - Tuesday, March 18th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - 5th grade - worksheet

Social Studies - 5th Grade - worksheet due Thursday and project/chapter review due Friday!
                          6th Grade - worksheet due Thursday

Language Arts - Vit fill in the blank and comma packet both due tomorrow

Reading - Lincoln questions

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 105 all

Monday, March 17, 2014

Homework- Mon. March 17


Religion - none
Social Studies - 5th--> project due Friday, 6th--> Lesson 2 worksheet due tomorrow
Language Arts - Vit/Viv puzzle due tomorrow, comma packet due Wed.
Reading - none
4th Grade
Writing - Winter scrap copy due tomorrow
Reading - ABook 119 and OBook 120

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

From Miss Proy's Fabulous 5th & 6th Graders!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Homework Thurs. March 13th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Chapter 14 Review and Test AND worksheet

Social Studies - 5th Grade has a project and chapter review due next Friday, March 21st.

Language Arts - Bio/Comma Paper and TEST over Bio words tomorrow

Reading - None  Work on AR goals and book project

4th Grade

Spelling - Workbook pgs. 100-102 (3 total pages, NO writing activity on pg. 101)

Grammar - WB 99

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Homework - Tuesday, March 11th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Chapter Review due Friday

Social Studies - 5th Grade--> Project due Fri. March 21st, 6th Grade--> worksheet due Th.

Language Arts - comma paper with rules

Reading - Lincoln questions

4th Grade

Spelling - Workbook 99

Monday, March 10, 2014

Homework Monday, March 10

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - worksheet

L. Arts - Bio puzzle

Reading - Lincoln questions

4th Grade

Spelling - workbook 98

Reading - Practice O Book pgs. 112-113

Classroom Corner Week of March 10-14

This week in our classroom-

Religion- 5th grade will be learning about Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick.  The 6th graders will be reading about the Lord's passion, the Good Shepherd story, and St. Maximilian Kolbe.  Both grades wrote down two Lenten promises- one thing to give up and one thing to add during this Lenten season.  Ask your child about what they chose, and help support them on their Lenten journey.

Social Studies- The 5th graders are finishing up their chapter on the First Americans.  We have had fun reading about the different Indian tribes who lived across the United States.  This week, they will be assigned an end of the chapter project and assignment to replace their test over this material.  The 6th graders just started a new chapter on ancient Chinese history.  This week, we are reading about China's geography and dynasties.

Language Arts- This week, our spelling/vocab words come from "Bio" meaning "life".  Test on Friday.  We are continuing to learn comma rules- this week, the last 6 rules and a quiz on Friday!  We are also going to start writing a narrative about the Super Hero we created!

Reading- We are going to continue reading Lincoln's Last Days.  We are in Part 2 of the book- the conspiracy to assassinate- very interesting reading!  By the end of this week, the students should be halfway to their March AR goal, and about finished reading their book project book so that they can start working on the project- due Thursday, March 27th!

Thursday, March 13- FIELD TRIP
Friday, March 14- Picture Day

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Congrats to our TOP AR Readers for February!!

Kostya Lopez (4th Grade, 8.3 points), Jasmine Young (6th Grade, 24.7!!!), and Adam Weber (5th Grade, 11.7 points).
March AR goals are due Thursday, March 27th!!


A great big thank you to all of the parents who did an amazing job organizing & running a very successful French Toast Breakfast!  Also, thank you to all who supported our breakfast!  WE appreciate YOU ALL!!!

Walt Disney says......

"Have a great 3 day weekend!  See you Monday!"

Lincoln's Last Days

In honor of the novel we are reading in reading class, may I present our very own Ulysses S. Grant & President Abraham Lincoln AKA Jimmy & Emery!
Taken on book project presentation day- Fri. Feb. 28th

4th Grade Biography Projects

Check out the 4th graders in their biography costumes!
Front row- Harriet Tubman (Hallie) & Dr. Seuss (Abby)
Back row- Ryan White (Kostya), Mother Teresa (Laura), Jackie Robinson (Brendan), Jackie Robinson (Aiden), John F. Kennedy (Eleanor), Sacagawea (Danielle), Amelia Earhart (Autumn), Helen Keller (Julie), & Harry Houdini (Stephenie)
Friday, Feb. 28th

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Homework Wednesday, March 5th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Chapter 13 Review and Test

Social Studies - None

Language Arts - Comma Rule Practice, write rules on worksheet w/ commas

Reading - Book Project and AR sign up due tomorrow

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 93-94 including writing

Grammar - WB 91, last 3 sentences

Reading - Book Project and AR sign up due tomorrow

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Classroom Corner Week of March 3 - 6

Religion - The fifth graders are reading about Original Sin and "The Parable of the Lost Son".  The sixth graders are reading about King Solomon including his good times and bad times as ruler.  Tests for both grades on Thursday!

Social Studies - The fifth graders are continuing to read about the Indians who first lived in America.  This week, we have read about the Northwest Indians (very interesting) and the Plains Indians.  The sixth graders finished their chapter on ancient Egyptian history, and they played Jeopardy on Monday and took their test today.  They will begin a new chapter on Thursday.

Language Arts - NO SPELLING THIS WEEK - the students are thrilled!  We are writing the first seven comma rules and practicing them.  We will also start a Super Hero narrative either this week or next.

Reading - We are continuing to read Lincoln's Last Days.  We are done reading the Civil War part; this week, we are reading about the conspiracy to assassinate. 

The students were given their new book project papers on Monday.  Please note that the book project sign up papers are due this Thursday.