Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Classroom Corner Week of March 3 - 6

Religion - The fifth graders are reading about Original Sin and "The Parable of the Lost Son".  The sixth graders are reading about King Solomon including his good times and bad times as ruler.  Tests for both grades on Thursday!

Social Studies - The fifth graders are continuing to read about the Indians who first lived in America.  This week, we have read about the Northwest Indians (very interesting) and the Plains Indians.  The sixth graders finished their chapter on ancient Egyptian history, and they played Jeopardy on Monday and took their test today.  They will begin a new chapter on Thursday.

Language Arts - NO SPELLING THIS WEEK - the students are thrilled!  We are writing the first seven comma rules and practicing them.  We will also start a Super Hero narrative either this week or next.

Reading - We are continuing to read Lincoln's Last Days.  We are done reading the Civil War part; this week, we are reading about the conspiracy to assassinate. 

The students were given their new book project papers on Monday.  Please note that the book project sign up papers are due this Thursday.

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