Thursday, February 27, 2014

Homework Thurs. Feb. 27th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Unit III test tomorrow - STUDY!  Also, Psalm illustration due tomorrow!

Social Studies - Worksheet due tomorrow - both grades

Language Arts - Mal tests tomorrow

Reading - Book Projects and AR due tomorrow!!!!

4th Grade

Spelling - Workbook pgs. 87-88 all due tomorrow and test

Reading - Vocab Review and story events due tomorrow
Book Projects and AR due tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Homework Wed. Feb. 26

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Unit III test on Fri.

Social Studies - Worksheet due tomorrow (5th only)

Language Arts - Mal fill in the blank paper (parts of speech extra credit)

Reading - AR goals and book projects due on Friday

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 86 due tomorrow

Reading - Assignment from yesterday due tomorrow

AR goals and book projects due on Friday

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Homework Tues. Feb. 25th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Unit Review tomorrow & Unit test on Friday (both grades)

Social Studies - Worksheet due Thursday (5th grade only)

Language Arts - None

Reading - Lincoln questions due tomorrow
Feb. AR goals and book project due this Friday!

French Toast Breakfast this Sunday!

4th Grade

Spelling - Workbook 84

Reading - Workbook pgs. 96, 97, and 100 due Thursday

Monday, February 24, 2014

Homework Mon. 2/24/14

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Unit III review due on Wed.  Study unit review for Jeopardy.

L. Arts - Mal puzzle due tomorrow

Reading - AR goals and book projects due Friday!

Conference papers - please try to return tomorrow

4th Grade

Reading - AR goals and book projects due Friday!

St. Mary graduating class of 2015

Front row - Devin, Lili, Diana, Kennedy, and Jimmy
Back row - Emery, Logan, Matt, Adam, and Colin

Can't wait to have this special group be the leaders of our school!!

Classroom Corner - Week of February 24-28

Religion:  Both grades are working on Unit III review and will play Jeopardy to review for their test.  Tests for both on Friday.  Each student will also look through the Book of Psalms, choose a favorite, and draw an illustration to go with it.
 Social Studies: The 5th graders will be studying a culture map and will read about the people of the desert Southwest region.  The 6th graders are reading more on the history of Egypt.  Today, we read about King Menes and about the pyramid builders.
Language Arts: This week, our words come from "mal and male" meaning bad.  Test on Friday over the words.  We all enjoyed the Super Hero presentations today - the students did an excellent job.  Next up for grammar rules - commas!!  We will learn 8 rules for comma use between this week and next. Reading: We are continuing to read Lincoln's Last Days.  I am enjoying seeing the students demonstrate higher level thinking skills on each set of questions.  The students are enjoying our novel!!
AR Goals and book projects (biography interviews) due THIS FRIDAYS!

Friday, February 21, 2014

It's Buddy Day!

We love our Kindergarten buddies!  This is Jasmine with Kirstyn and Matt with Marcello!

4th Grade News

Check out the 4th Grade News!  Our 4th graders worked very hard on this news poster board!  Stop in at school to check out the original copy!  Great job, students!

Fifth and Sixth Grades - Super Hero project due Monday!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Homework Thurs. 2/20/14

5th and 6th Grades

Religion- Chapter 12 Review and Test

Social Studies - Worksheet (6th Grade only)

Language - 1) Ben fill in the blank & test tomorrow
                   2) Super Hero essay and drawing due Monday

Reading - None :)

Permission Slip due tomorrow!

February book project (interview and report) and AR goals due a week from tomorrow!!!

4th Grade


Miss Proy's e-mail

I have told the students to relay this message to you, but I also thought I would post a blog about it.  As my laptop crashed about 2 weeks ago, I do not have daily access to my e-mail.  So, if you are trying to e-mail me and not receiving a response, it's because I don't have access to my e-mail.  Thank you for understanding, and please call me or send a note if you need to get into contact with me. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Homework for Wed. 2/19/14

5th/6th Grade

*Please note that I will only list homework assignments from the classes that I teach from now on.  Please check your student's agenda for math and science assignments.*

Religion- Worksheet, both sides, due Thurs.

Social Studies- None

Language Arts- Ben Puzzle due Thurs., Super Hero essay (final draft) due on Mon. Feb. 24th

Reading- Lincoln questions over Chapters 7-9 due Thurs.

4th Grade

No homework, no spelling this week

Both grades - AR goals and Feb. book projects due a week from this Friday!

Classroom Corner - This week in our class.......

Religion:  5th grade is studying different types of prayers, with a main focus on the Lord's Prayer.  The 6th graders are studying the Psalms.  Tests for both on Friday.
 Social Studies: We will only have one day of social studies this week due to the snow day on Tuesday.  The 5th graders are studying ancient Indians, and the 6th graders are going over Lesson 1, The Nile River and studying maps at different scales.
Language Arts: This week, our words come from "ben, bene, and bon" meaning good or well.  Test on Friday over the words.  We are also finishing our Super Hero drawings and essays (due Monday), and we are finishing up with apostrophes (quiz on Thursday).  The students had fun competing in the apostrophe review game today!
Reading: We are continuing to read Lincoln's Last Days.  I am enjoying seeing the students demonstrate higher level thinking skills on each set of questions.  The students are enjoying our novel!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

French Toast Breakfast!

5th and 6th grade parents - The French Toast Breakfast is just 2 short weeks away!  Remember to keep in contact with Katie Kovach regarding donations, prizes, supplies, etc.  Please remember to have your items that you signed up for to the school by Friday, February 28th!  Also, mark your calendar for Sunday, March 2nd at 7:15 A.M.!  That's what time the students and parent helpers need to be here!  Is there another parent meeting set up?  I know you all had talked about having another meeting - please keep me updated!  THANK YOU for all of your time and help! 
Greetings!  Starting next week, I will be blogging nightly homework assignments and "Classroom Corner" referring to what is going on each week in each of my classes.  Thank you!