Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Classroom Corner - This week in our class.......

Religion:  5th grade is studying different types of prayers, with a main focus on the Lord's Prayer.  The 6th graders are studying the Psalms.  Tests for both on Friday.
 Social Studies: We will only have one day of social studies this week due to the snow day on Tuesday.  The 5th graders are studying ancient Indians, and the 6th graders are going over Lesson 1, The Nile River and studying maps at different scales.
Language Arts: This week, our words come from "ben, bene, and bon" meaning good or well.  Test on Friday over the words.  We are also finishing our Super Hero drawings and essays (due Monday), and we are finishing up with apostrophes (quiz on Thursday).  The students had fun competing in the apostrophe review game today!
Reading: We are continuing to read Lincoln's Last Days.  I am enjoying seeing the students demonstrate higher level thinking skills on each set of questions.  The students are enjoying our novel!

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