Monday, February 24, 2014

Classroom Corner - Week of February 24-28

Religion:  Both grades are working on Unit III review and will play Jeopardy to review for their test.  Tests for both on Friday.  Each student will also look through the Book of Psalms, choose a favorite, and draw an illustration to go with it.
 Social Studies: The 5th graders will be studying a culture map and will read about the people of the desert Southwest region.  The 6th graders are reading more on the history of Egypt.  Today, we read about King Menes and about the pyramid builders.
Language Arts: This week, our words come from "mal and male" meaning bad.  Test on Friday over the words.  We all enjoyed the Super Hero presentations today - the students did an excellent job.  Next up for grammar rules - commas!!  We will learn 8 rules for comma use between this week and next. Reading: We are continuing to read Lincoln's Last Days.  I am enjoying seeing the students demonstrate higher level thinking skills on each set of questions.  The students are enjoying our novel!!
AR Goals and book projects (biography interviews) due THIS FRIDAYS!

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