Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Homework, Wednesday, April 30th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - 6th grade only- worksheet

Social Studies - none

Language Arts - Rupt/Parts of Speech Paper

Reading - none

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 132 (make sure 131 is done from yesterday, both graded tomorrow)

Grammar - WB 131-132

Final Book Projects!

The 5th and 6th Graders gathered around Harry Potter to show how excited they are that book projects and AR Goals are done for the year!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Homework, Tuesday, April 29th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - 5th grade--> open book/worksheet test due tomorrow

L. Arts - none

Reading - Lincoln questions 1 and 6 due tomorrow; Lincoln vocab sheet due tomorrow

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 131 due Thursday

Grammar - WB 131-132 due Thursday


Monday, April 28, 2014

Homework, Monday, April 28th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - 6th Grade- STUDY for test tomorrow
5th Grade - open book/worksheet test due Wednesday

Language Arts - Rupt Puzzle

Reading - Final Lincoln worksheets due Wed.
AR Goals and Book Projects due Wednesday

4th Grade

Reading - Workbook 149 & 150
AR Goals and Book Projects due Wednesday

Classroom Corner, Week of April 28-May 2

Religion - This week, the 6th graders will be reading about Jesus's baptism, and the 5th graders will be learning about the sacraments of matrimony and holy orders.  Test for both on Friday!

Countdown for religion- 2 more chapter tests and one unit test left after this week!

Social Studies - The 6th graders have a closed book test on ancient Greek history on Tuesday.  This will take place after they play Jeopardy on Monday!  Then, they will start ancient Roman history, our last chapter for the year!
The 5th graders are taking an open-book/open worksheet/open internet test on colonial times.  Then, we will start the American Revolution, our last topic of discussion and study for the year!

Language Arts - The students are finishing up their persuasive essays on uniforms!  Also, the 5th graders will take the writing competency test this week.  We are also working on the root words from rupt, or to break, for this week's spelling words.

Countdown for spelling - 2 more weeks of words after this week!

Reading - We are finishing up Lincoln's Last Days by reading about the weapons, flags, transportation and medicines used during the war. 



Friday, April 25, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Homework- Thursday, April 24th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Chapter 17 review and test

Social Studies - 6th Grade- vocab review and facts and main ideas due Monday

Language Arts - junct quizzes tomorrow

Reading - none

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 125-126 NO WRITING ACTIVITY

Grammar - WB 124*  (paragraph writing)

Writing - Limerick due tomorrow

Reading - WB 144 protagonist/hyperbole

*If your child did WB 118 in grammar, they CAN turn it in for EXTRA CREDIT.  They are NOT required to turn this page in.  I apologize for the confusion & my mistake on yesterday's Blog.  Thank you for your understanding!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Homework, Wednesday, April 23rd

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - worksheet

Social Studies - worksheet

Language Arts - Junct/Parts of Speech paper

Reading - AR Goals and book projects due a week from today!

**The students are bringing home 3 permission slips today--> Great Lakes Science Center (May 12th), church tour (May 19th), and 6th grade trip (6th graders only, May 16th and May 20th).

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 124

Grammar - WB 118 due Friday

Reading - Venn Diagrams and story comprehension questions 2,3, and 4 due tomorrow
AR Goals and book projects due one week from today!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Homework, Tuesday, April 22nd

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - worksheet due Thursday (both grades)

Language Arts - none

Reading - Lincoln questions

4th Grade

Reading - Book pg. 529, questions 2, 3, and 4 on a piece of notebook paper

Monday, April 21, 2014

Homework, Monday, April 21st

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - none

Language Arts - Junct Puzzle

Reading - none

4th Grade

Reading - OBook pgs. 140-141

Classroom Corner, Week of April 21-25

Religion - The 5th graders will be learning about the Apostles and the leaders of today's Church.  The 6th graders will be learning about the struggles of the Jews and everlasting life.  Tests for both on Friday.

Social Studies - The 5th graders continue to read about the colonial United States; this week, we are reading about Southern plantations and Southern cities.  The 6th graders continue to learn about ancient Greek history- this week, we are reading about the Golden Age of Athens and Alexander the Great.  Both grades will have tests next week. 

Language Arts - This week, we are working on "junct, jug, and join" words which mean to join, link or meet.  Test on Friday!  We are also working on writing a persuasive essay on whether students should wear uniforms or not.  We will back up our opinion with an expert testimony and a statistic found through internet research.  The students did an excellent job on adjectives- this week, we move onto VERBS!

Reading - We are wrapping up reading the Afterword of Lincoln's Last Days.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Homework, Wednesday, April 16th

5th and 6th Grades


2 permission slips due, and money for Bears trip

Religion- none

Social Studies - none

Language Arts - Flex/Fract Review and FRACT TESTS TOMORROW!

Reading - Lincoln questions due tomorrow

4th Grades


Spelling - WB 199-120 (no writing) and SPELLING TEST TOMORROW

Language Arts - scrap copy due tomorrow (uniform persuasive)

Reading - AR book, test, and worksheet due tomorrow

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Homework, Tuesday, April 15th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - none

Language Arts - 2 worksheets--> Frag fill in the blank & comparative/superlative adjectives

Reading - Lincoln questions due on Thursday
**2 permission slips- Bears movie and Family Living

4th Grade

Spelling - WB 118

Reading - Read assigned AR book, take AR test, and worksheet (due Thurs.)

Miss Proy's Board Game Class for Scholastic Day!

Ethan from Kindergarten, Annie from Kindergarten & Karissa from First Grade are doing some Sorry battle with Miss Proy on Monday, April 14, 2014!  It was a close game, but Annie was the Champion!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Classroom Corner, Week of April 14-17

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - This week, we will be participating in Holy Week activities, including a traditional Seder meal on Thursday.

Social Studies - The 5th graders are working in partners on different colonial areas such as the Bread Basket and the South.  The 6th graders are studying ancient Greek history including the geography and city-states. 

Language Arts - We are working on comparative and superlative adjectives.  We have spelling this week - the words come from "fract" meaning "break".  TEST THURSDAY!

Reading - We are nearing the end of our novel about Lincoln's assassination.  We are reading the part where they are chasing down the conspirators. 


4th Grade

Language Arts - We are working on possessive pronouns, and we are writing a persuasive essay on whether students should wear school uniforms or not.  Ask your child what side they are on.  You would be surprised at the amount of students who think uniforms SHOULD be worn!

Reading - We are working on vocabulary and sequence in a story.  We are reading non-fiction stories about whales.

Homework, Monday, April 14th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - none

Language Arts - Fract Puzzle

Reading - none

Light homework night = work on your April book project!

4th Grades

Spelling - WB 116 rhyming words

Reading - OBook pgs. 133-134 ALL

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Homework, Thursday, April 10th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Complete essays for Unit IV test!  Also, study for the rest of test, and Unit IV Review will be collected tomorrow.

Social Studies - none

Language Arts - Flect/Flex and Parts of Speech paper and spelling/vocab tests tomorrow
Super Hero storybook due tomorrow

Reading - AR sheet due tomorrow

4th Grade

Grammar - paragraph WB 112

Spelling - proofread/review WB 113-114 DO NOT DO the writing portion on pg. 113.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Top AR Readers for March!

Congratulations Top AR Readers for March!
4th Grade- Hallie- 13.3 points
6th Grade- Jasmine- 40.6 points
5th Grade- Matt- 24.4

Homework, Wednesday, April 9th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Unit IV Test on Friday

Social Studies - none

Language Arts - Super Hero Storybook due Friday

Reading - Lincoln questions AR Sheet both due Friday

4th Grade

Spelling - Workbook 112

Reading - AR Sheet due Friday

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Homework, Tuesday, April 8th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Unit IV Review

Social Studies - 6th grade- Vocab Preview

Language Arts - Noun packet, even's only

Reading - Lincoln questions

4th Grade

None! :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Homework - Monday, April 7th

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - none

Social Studies - 6th grade - open book test

Language Arts - New Year's reflection and flex puzzle

Reading - April Book Project sign up

4th Grade

Reading - OBook pgs. 126 & 127

4th Grade Book Characters

Laura as Just Grace, Hallie as Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Danielle as Kit, an American Girl doll, Stephenie as Geronimo Stilton, and Aiden as Webster, a zombie!

Classroom Corner, Week of April 7-11

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Both grades will be completing their Unit IV review, playing jeopardy, and taking the Unit IV test on Friday.

Social Studies - The 5th graders are researching and presenting about Colonial Times.  The 6th graders are wrapping up a chapter on ancient Asian history, and they will begin my favorite - ancient Greek history!

Language Arts - The students will be starting a unit on the parts of speech.  This week, we will start with nouns and adjectives.  We will also work on writing a persuasive piece of writing.  We are back to our Greek and Latin root words for spelling - this week's words come from "flex" meaning "to bend".

Reading - BOOK PROJECT SIGN UP due this week (Tuesday).  We will be reading Lincoln's Last Days all week.

4th Grade

Language Arts - We are working on conjugating verbs to agree with subjects, and we will be writing a persuasive piece of writing on whether students should wear uniforms or not.  We will also have a spelling test on Friday.

Reading - This week, we will read non-fiction pieces of writing, and work on test-taking strategies.