Monday, April 14, 2014

Classroom Corner, Week of April 14-17

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - This week, we will be participating in Holy Week activities, including a traditional Seder meal on Thursday.

Social Studies - The 5th graders are working in partners on different colonial areas such as the Bread Basket and the South.  The 6th graders are studying ancient Greek history including the geography and city-states. 

Language Arts - We are working on comparative and superlative adjectives.  We have spelling this week - the words come from "fract" meaning "break".  TEST THURSDAY!

Reading - We are nearing the end of our novel about Lincoln's assassination.  We are reading the part where they are chasing down the conspirators. 


4th Grade

Language Arts - We are working on possessive pronouns, and we are writing a persuasive essay on whether students should wear school uniforms or not.  Ask your child what side they are on.  You would be surprised at the amount of students who think uniforms SHOULD be worn!

Reading - We are working on vocabulary and sequence in a story.  We are reading non-fiction stories about whales.

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