Monday, April 7, 2014

Classroom Corner, Week of April 7-11

5th and 6th Grades

Religion - Both grades will be completing their Unit IV review, playing jeopardy, and taking the Unit IV test on Friday.

Social Studies - The 5th graders are researching and presenting about Colonial Times.  The 6th graders are wrapping up a chapter on ancient Asian history, and they will begin my favorite - ancient Greek history!

Language Arts - The students will be starting a unit on the parts of speech.  This week, we will start with nouns and adjectives.  We will also work on writing a persuasive piece of writing.  We are back to our Greek and Latin root words for spelling - this week's words come from "flex" meaning "to bend".

Reading - BOOK PROJECT SIGN UP due this week (Tuesday).  We will be reading Lincoln's Last Days all week.

4th Grade

Language Arts - We are working on conjugating verbs to agree with subjects, and we will be writing a persuasive piece of writing on whether students should wear uniforms or not.  We will also have a spelling test on Friday.

Reading - This week, we will read non-fiction pieces of writing, and work on test-taking strategies.

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