Thursday, October 30, 2014

Homework- Thorsday, October 30th

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- test tomorrow

5th & 6th Grade Language- caps quiz over Rules 17-21

6th Grade Religion- study- spelling words, Chapter 7, memorize 10 Commandments
                               Chapter 7 Review due tomorrow

$1 Dress Down- NO shorts, leggings, exercise pants or sweats!

Be safe trick or treating!  Check your candy!

Our own graveyard ghost stories!

"Here lies Milton Hershey...." 
Matt tells the ghost story of this famous candy maker. Adam is holding his project!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Homework- Wednesday, Oct. 29th

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- worksheet

6th Grade

Religion- spelling words & memorize 10 Commandments 

Health- water tracker due tomorrow

Language- caps practice WB 547 & charity research due Monday (change of date)

Reading- book projects & AR goals due tomorrow

5th Grade

Language- caps practice WB 547 & charity research due Monday (change of date)

Reading- book projects & AR goals due tomorrow

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Homework Tuesday, Oct. 28th

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- worksheet

6th Grade

Religion- worksheet, study spelling words, & memorize 10 Commandments by Fridsy

Social Studies- TEST tomorrow!  Study!

Health- water tracker 

Language arts- Halloween story due tomorrow & charity research due on Friday

Reading- book projects & AR goals due Thursday

5th Grade

Language arts- Halloween story due tomorrow & charity research due on Friday

Reading- vocab quiz tomorrow

Monday, October 27, 2014

Classroom Corner Week of Oct. 27th

6th Grade

Religion- This week, we are reading about Moses and the Ten Commandments. As part of their test on Friday, they will need to memorize the 10 Commandments & be able to write them in order. 
Test on Friday

Social Studies- The students will play Jeopardy on Monday or Tuesday, and the test is Wednesday. 

Health- The students are keeping track of their daily water intake on Tuesday & Wednesday. We will also evaluate our diet based on the info recorded last week according to the Food Guide Pyramid. 

Language Arts- We are reviewing the last set of caps rules (finally)!  The students are working on Halloween stories that they seem really excited about. 

Reading- This week, we are finally finishing our novel!  By Thursday, the students will know the ending. Ask them what happens!  Also, AR & book projects are due on Thursday!


5th Grade

Language Arts- The students are writing the final 5 caps rules. They are also working very hard on their Halloween stories!!  

Reading- We are reading a poem that goes with our novel & then taking a Vocab quiz on Wednesday. Make sure your child studies for the vocab  quiz!!  Also, AR goals & book projects are due Thursday!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Homework- Thursday, Oct. 23rd

5th & 6th Grade- Spelling test tomorrow

6th Grade

Religion- study spelling words (difficult this week), Chapter 6 Review, & Chapter 6 Test tomorrow

Social Studies- Lesson 4 test prep due tomorrow, Chapter 2 Review due Monday, & test Wed. The 28th

Health- Food tracker due tomorrow

5th Grade

Language Arts- Finish 3 middle boxes on Halloween story

Reading- Finish Summer of the Swans questions

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Homework- Tuesday, Oct. 21st

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- worksheet

6th Grade

Religion- study spelling words

Social Studies- correct & return Lessons 2 & 3 test prep

Health- Food tracker Wed. & Thurs.

Reading- Chapter 13 vocab sheet

Monday, October 20, 2014

Homework - Monday, Oct. 20th

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- rainbow words

6th Grade

Religion- Study spelling words- they are hard this week!

Social Studies- world map due tomorrow 

5th Grade

Language Arts- Capitalization quiz over Rules 1-16 including titles tomorrow- study!!!

Classroom Corner Week of Oct. 20th

6th Grade

Religion- This week, we are reading all about the Paschal Mystery. We will also read the New Testament story of The Feeding of the Five Thousand. We have a test on Friday over Chapter 6. The spelling words are tough, so make sure that your student studies. 

Social Studies- The students had fun sharing their tombstone projects. This week, we are reading about the Hebrews, Phoenicians, & the Lydians. Familiar territory for us from religion!  The test over Chapter 2 will be next week!  World map due Tuesday. 

Health- We are starting a unit on nutrition. This week, your student will track everything that they eat for two days so that they can take a much closer look at their nutrition. We will also take notes on the 6 nutrients. 

Reading- We are still reading our novel. Ask your child to tell you what is going on!

Language Arts- We are writing a Halloween story from a picture prompt. We are still hacking away at capitalization rules!  Spelling test on Friday!

Reminder- Go Green on Wednesday- NO SHORTS!

5th Grade

Language Arts- see 6th Grade

Reading- This week, we will finish our novel!!!!  Next week, we will take the AR test, a Vocab test, & have a project assigned over our story. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Homework- Wednesday, Oct. 15

Spelling- worksheet & test tomorrow

6th Grade

Religion- Ch. 5 review, study spelling & Ch. 5

Social Studies- Mini tombstone project & Lessons 2 & 3 review due Monday 
World map due Tuesday

L. Arts- Creative writing due tomorrow

Reading- Ch. 11 Ques. Due tomorrow

5th Grade

L. Arts- Creative writing due tomorrow

Reading- Chapters 17 & 18 due tomorrow

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Homework- Tues. Oct. 14

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- Worksheet

6th Grade

Religion- Study spelling words & Worksheet

Health- Study for test on Physical Activity

Reading- Finish Chapter 10 Ques.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Homework- Mon. Oct. 13th

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- Rainbow words

6th Grade

Religion- Study spelling words & Side A of worksheet (5a)

Social Studies- Lesson 2 worksheet

Health- Study for Jeopardy & test on Wed.

Reading- Chapter 10, ques. 1-10 due tomorrow

5th Grade

Reading- Summer of the Swans, Chapter 16 questions

Classroom Corner Week of Oct. 13

6th Grade

Religion- This week, we are reading about Moses & the Israelites & their escape from slavery in Egypt. The students will have homework on Monday & Tuesday, with their Chapter 5 Review and test on Thursday. This test will also include religion spelling words. 

Social Studies- We are finishing our lesson on ancient Mesopotamia, and then continuing on to read about the Babylonians & Assyrians. The students will have a mini tombstone project due Monday on either Sargon, Gilgamesh, or Hammurabi.

Health- We are finishing up our unit on physical activity, playing Jeopardy on Tuesday & having a test on  Wednesday. 

Language Arts- This week, we are writing a fictional piece of writing based on a picture prompt. This is called a Free Write & has been very popular in the past. We are also still working on those wonderful capitalization rules, & we will have a spelling test on Thursday. 

Reading- We are continuing to read our novel. Also, check your child's progress on their tombstone biography book project & AR Goals. 

Remember- NO SCHOOL Friday!!!!!

5th Grade

Language Arts- see 6th Grade

Reading- see 6th Grade

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Homework- Thursday, Oct. 9th

6th Grade
Religion- Unit I Review, study for Unit I Test, & study spelling words
L. Arts-Camp Christopher letter 
Health- Physical Activity Reflection due

5th Grade
L. Arts- Camp Christopher letter & caps practice WB 535

September Top AR Readers!

Today was the first AR Lunch!  Congrats to the top readers!
Devin, Hallie, Laura, Matt, Jimmy, & Eleanor!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Homework - Wednesday, Oct. 8th

6th Grade

Religion - Unit I review due Friday, essays due Friday, and Unit I test on Friday

Language Arts - Camp Christopher letter due Friday

Health - Reflection due on Friday

5th Grade

Language Arts - Camp Christopher letter due Friday

Our own Octoberfest!

Mrs. Weber recently visited Germany.  She came in to talk to us about the German culture!  She even brought us pretzels!  Thank you!!

Camp Christopher

We had so much fun at camp!  Here we are at Manville Thorpe's home!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homework - Thursday, Oct. 2nd

5th and 6th Grade Spelling - Worksheet (w/ Caps review) & study for test Friday

6th Grade

Religion - Study spelling words, friendship essay due tomorrow, Chapter 4 Review due tomorrow, study for Chapter 4 Test

Health - Physical activity chart due tomorrow (blue sheet) *Use green chart to help

Reading - Turn in Sept./Oct. AR sheet tomorrow & Oct. book project sign up due tomorrow

Reminder - Picture Day tomorrow!!!!!  NO jeans, sweats, shorts, or leggings w/ out a dress

5th Grade

Reading - Turn in Sept./Oct. AR sheet tomorrow & Oct. book project sign up due tomorrow

Miss Proy's dad

My dad brought our t-shirts today & made us very happy campers :)

Goofy Believers!!!


Debuting our new shirts!!!

These are our 6th grade shirts, paid for by PSO!!!  Thank you!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Devin's super cool book project

This is Devin's super cool book project on his book about a golden goblet!!

Homework - Wednesday, October 1st


6th Grade

Religion - Worksheet due tomorrow, friendship essay due Friday, study spelling words

Health - Physical activity chart due Friday

Reading - Chapter 8 assignment due tomorrow (Paint by Magic)


5th Grade

Reading - Chapter 13 assignment due tomorrow (Summer of the Swans)