Monday, October 13, 2014

Classroom Corner Week of Oct. 13

6th Grade

Religion- This week, we are reading about Moses & the Israelites & their escape from slavery in Egypt. The students will have homework on Monday & Tuesday, with their Chapter 5 Review and test on Thursday. This test will also include religion spelling words. 

Social Studies- We are finishing our lesson on ancient Mesopotamia, and then continuing on to read about the Babylonians & Assyrians. The students will have a mini tombstone project due Monday on either Sargon, Gilgamesh, or Hammurabi.

Health- We are finishing up our unit on physical activity, playing Jeopardy on Tuesday & having a test on  Wednesday. 

Language Arts- This week, we are writing a fictional piece of writing based on a picture prompt. This is called a Free Write & has been very popular in the past. We are also still working on those wonderful capitalization rules, & we will have a spelling test on Thursday. 

Reading- We are continuing to read our novel. Also, check your child's progress on their tombstone biography book project & AR Goals. 

Remember- NO SCHOOL Friday!!!!!

5th Grade

Language Arts- see 6th Grade

Reading- see 6th Grade

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