Monday, October 20, 2014

Classroom Corner Week of Oct. 20th

6th Grade

Religion- This week, we are reading all about the Paschal Mystery. We will also read the New Testament story of The Feeding of the Five Thousand. We have a test on Friday over Chapter 6. The spelling words are tough, so make sure that your student studies. 

Social Studies- The students had fun sharing their tombstone projects. This week, we are reading about the Hebrews, Phoenicians, & the Lydians. Familiar territory for us from religion!  The test over Chapter 2 will be next week!  World map due Tuesday. 

Health- We are starting a unit on nutrition. This week, your student will track everything that they eat for two days so that they can take a much closer look at their nutrition. We will also take notes on the 6 nutrients. 

Reading- We are still reading our novel. Ask your child to tell you what is going on!

Language Arts- We are writing a Halloween story from a picture prompt. We are still hacking away at capitalization rules!  Spelling test on Friday!

Reminder- Go Green on Wednesday- NO SHORTS!

5th Grade

Language Arts- see 6th Grade

Reading- This week, we will finish our novel!!!!  Next week, we will take the AR test, a Vocab test, & have a project assigned over our story. 

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