Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving feast!

Mackina & Abby enjoying the feast!

Our "Attitude of Gratitude" A-Z

A- animals & apples 
B- bees
C- cats
D- dogs
E- earth
F- family & friends
G- God
H- home
I- ice cream & I (myself)
J- jumping 
K- kids @ this school 
L- Lili, Laura & lillipads 
M- mountains & the magic of God
N- not having Ebola
O- oranges & older people
P- pepperoni pizza & Miss Proy :)
Q- quiet time
R- restful nights
S- Standen family & safety of others
T- turtles
U- Us (as in my family being together)
V- video games
W- water
X- X-Rays (health care)
Y- yellow school bus that takes me home
Z- zoolologists

Monday, November 24, 2014

Homework- Mon. Nov. 24th

Reading- Book Projects & AR Goals due tomorrow!!!

Social Studies- Map test tomorrow!

Bring food for Thanksgiving feast if you choose

Bring @ least 1 canned good for Mass 

Happy Thanksgiving!!

5th & 6th Grade Classroom Corner continued!

ALL book projects & AR Goals for Nov. are due tomorrow!!!!!  Tuesday, Nov. 25th

This week, we are looking for elements of poetry in fun Thanksgiving poems!  We are also exchanging recipes to answer the questions we wrote last week!  We are also working w/ a partner to sequence the steps in a recipe. 

Students who meet their NOV. AR goal & turn in their book project ON TIME & COMPLETE will have NO Dec. book project. 

NO Dec. AR Goals for any students!!  Students are encouraged to earn points during Dec. for Jan. goals!

Happy Thanksgiving to all families!  Safe travels if you are traveling!! 

Classroom Corner Week of Nov. 24th

This week, we will not have religion (test or spelling words) or regular spelling words!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

5th & 6th Graders are invited to (but NOT required) to bring their Thanksgiving food from our recipe activity last week. Our feast will be Tuesday (tomorrow) right after mass. 

The 6th graders will be watching The Lion King on Tuesday!  This is a reward that Diana chose for the class when she won the mystery prize for October!

6th Grade- MAP TEST this Tuesday!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homework- Thurs. Nov. 20th

5th and 6th Grade

Spelling - Worksheet and test

Reading - BOOK PROJECTS AND AR GOALS DUE TUESDAY, NOV. 25th!  There is a STRONG incentive to meet your goal and turn in your project complete and on time!!!!!!

6th Grade

Religion - study spelling words, Ch. 9 review and test tomorrow

Social Studies - outline ready to be typed in computer lab tomorrow

Wear red or yellow and bring 25 cents!!

Bring $1.00 for the missions

Bring canned goods by Tuesday!  Let's make a difference! 


Hello Parents!
I'm looking for the following items to be donated for our Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday!
Please e-mail me if you can send something in!

We need 25 of each-
Heavy duty paper plates- large
Paper plates- small (for dessert)
Paper cups (for water)
 One 50 pack of napkins

Students in grades 5 and 6 are INVITED but NOT REQUIRED to bring in the food for the recipe that they worked on in class.  We will have our feast right after mass (around 10:00).

Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Homework- Wed. Nov. 19th

Religion- sp. words & worksheet
Health – 2 review sheets (Mineral and Water)
L. Arts- recipe compare & contrast and final copy of recipe  (5th and 6th Grades)
Reading – poetry packet & book projects and AR goals due Nov. 25th  
(5th and 6th Grades for reading)
Social Studies- outline due to be typed on Friday

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Homework- Tuesday, Nov. 18th

5th & 6th Grade

Spelling- worksheet 

L. Arts- bring recipe tomorrow!

Reading- finish poetry packet

AR Goals & book projects due 1 week from today!!

6th Grade

Religion- study spelling words & worksheet 

Social Studies- outline ready to be typed on Fri.

Health- Vitamin Review due tomorrow

GO GREEN tomorrow!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Hat Day 2014!

Thanks to all those who participated!!!

Happy Hat Day from Mrs. Lima & Miss Proy

GO FLYERS!!!!!!!

Homework Mon. Nov. 17th

Religion - study spelling words

5th and 6th Grade Spelling - words missed on pre-test written 5 times each

Health - analyze water intake (reflection worksheet)

5th and 6th Grade Language Arts - bring Thanksgiving recipe by Wed.


Classroom Corner, Week of Nov. 17

6th Grade

Religion - This week, we are studying all about vocations.  We will read about the responsibilities of the pope, the bishops, and priests.  We will also talk about laity.

Social Studies - All week, we will be working on our outlines for our ancient Egyptian research project.  We will eventually type them in the computer lab.

Health - We are still working on our unit on nutrition.  This week, we will review vitamins, minerals, and water.  We will also analyze our water intake tracker.

Language Arts (5th and 6th grade) - This week, we will be writing all about our favorite Thanksgiving recipes.  We will also write a letter and address the envelope to mail the letter to its intended recipient.  We will have spelling words this week but not next.

Reading (5th and 6th grade) - We will work on identifying elements of poetry.  We will use our outline notes to identify these elements in example poems.

This week-
Monday--> Hat Day
Tuesday--> Team Jersey or T-Shirt Day
Wednesday--> Go Green
Thursday--> Class Picture Day (not a dress up, wear uniforms)
Friday--> Wear Red and/or Yellow Day

Religion Spelling Words - Week of Nov. 17

Religion Spelling Words
Week of November 17th      
1. ministry
2. laity
3. Catholic
4. apostolic
5. pastor

Spelling Words Week of Nov. 17th

1.  cautious
2. caution
3. covered
4. creature
5. curtain
6. declared
7. declare
8. distance
9. distant
10. explain
11. floated
12. ghost
13. holiday
14. holy
15. knee
16. lemon
17. lying
18. lie
19. nails
20. needle

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Homework- Thurs., Nov. 13th

5th and 6th Grades

Spelling - test tomorrow

L. Arts - caps paper (optional for some), caps test tomorrow, persuasive essay due for grade

6th Grade

Religion - Unit II test, review, and essays due tomorrow & study spelling words

Social Studies - ancient Egyptian research due Monday

Health- fat review due tomorrow!

6th grade--> MAP TEST NEXT TUESDAY!!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Look who came to visit us- my sister & her beagle, Tucker!!!

Homework- Wed. Nov. 12th

5th and 6th Grade 

Spelling - worksheet

L. Arts - all caps review  (test Friday)

6th Grade

Religion - study spelling words, Unit II review and essays due Friday, Unit II test Friday

Health - fat review due Friday

Social Studies - ancient Egypt research due Monday

Reading - Paint by Magic project due tomorrow

5th Grade

Language arts - charity persuasive essay scrap copy due tomorrow

Conferences Wed.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Homework- Tuesday, Nov. 11th

5th and 6th Grade

Spelling - worksheet

Language arts - caps review sheet (test Thurs.)


6th Grade

Religion - study spelling words, Unit II Review and essays due Friday, Unit II Test on Fri.

Health - protein review sheet

Reading - Paint by Magic due on Thursday

Monday, November 10, 2014

Spelling words week of Nov. 10th


Homework- Monday, Nov. 10th

5th & 6th Grade

Spelling- triangle words for words missed

Language- flow map finished & 2 caps review papers to prepare for TEST THURSDAY!!

6th Grade

Religion- study spelling words, Chapter II Review due Friday, essays due Friday, & Unit II test Friday

Social Studies- map test in 2 weeks

Health- food guide pyramid reflection & carbohydrate review

Reading- project due Thursday 

Religion spelling words week of Nov. 10th

Ark of the Covenant
Paschal Mystery
Liturgical Year

Conferences Tuesday

After school-

Classroom Corner - Week of Nov. 10

Religion- Unit II Review week!  Unit II Review is due on Friday!  Unit II Test on Friday. The students will play Jeopardy on Wednesday & Thursday.   The essays for the test will also be due Friday- the students got them in class today. 

Social Studies- The students are working hard on researching their topics for their ancient Egyptian projects. We are talking A LOT about plagiarism and how to avoid it. When they are working at home, encourage them to write in their own words & only use words that they know. 

Health- We are working on analyzing our daily diets & comparing what we eat to the food guide pyramid. This week, we will also work on reviewing the first 3 of the 6 essential nutrients. 

Language Arts- The students are hard at work on their charity persuasive essays, and let me tell you, this is going to be a TOUGH choice!  So far, they are awesome!  We will decide what charity we will raise money for on Friday!  Also, CAPS TEST Thursday!  The students will have caps review homework all week, & we will also play Jeopardy. 

Reading- We are outlining the elements of poetry & looking for examples in sample poems. The 6th graders have their projects due Thursday!

Conferences all week!  Please make sure you know your date & time!  Early Release on Wednesday for students- 1:30!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Conferences Friday!


Homework- Thurs. Nov. 6th

5th & 6th Grade

Spelling- test

Reading- AR papers & Book Project sign up for Nov. due tomorrow!!

L. Arts- persuasive flow map- intro & 2/3 middle boxes 

6th Grade

Religion- study spelling words, Haiku due tomorrow, Chapter 8 test & review

S. Studies- research resources due tomorrow

$1.00 Dress Down tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Homework- Wed., Nov. 5th

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- worksheet 

6th Grade

Religion- study spelling words, Haiku due Fri., Capter 8 Review & Test

Social Studies- sources due Friday

Reading- Paint by Magic project

Both Grades- Nov. AR & Book Project Sign Up due Friday

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Homework- Tues. Nov. 5th

5th & 6th Grade Spelling- worksheet

6th Grade

Religion- study spelling words & worksheet

Social Studies- research report resource due on Friday

Reading- Book Project sign up & AR Sheets due Friday. Paint by Magic project due Thurs. Nov. 13

5th Grade

Reading- Summer of the Swans project due tomorrow!!  Book Project sign up & AR Sheets due Friday

Monday, November 3, 2014

Homework- Monday, November 3rd

5th and 6th Grade Spelling- sentences for words missed on pre-test

6th Grade

Religion- Study spelling words

Social Studies- Research sources due on Friday (one print, one media)

Language Arts- Creative Writing Evaluation due tomorrow (green sheet)

Reading- AR sheet and book project sign up due on Friday
Paint by Magic project due Nov. 13th

5th Grade

Language Arts- Creative Writing Evaluation due tomorrow (green sheet)

Reading- AR sheet and book project sign up due on Friday
Summer of the Swans project due this Wednesday!

Classroom Corner - Week of Nov. 3rd

6th Grade

Religion - This week, we are reading about the Promised Land and Our Lady of Guadalupe.  We are reading a really cool Old Testament story about how spies were sent out, and how Jericho was captured!  Ask your student what happened in this story! 
Looking ahead- Unit II Review and Test next week!

Social Studies- Today, the studies chose research report topics related to ancient Egyptian history.  We are beginning our long term social studies research report and presentations.  DUE THIS FRIDAY- every student needs to have one PRINT and one MEDIA source related to their topic.  They may need to get their print source from the public library since our library at school is still being worked on.  We will also be conducting research on our topics Tuesday and Wednesday- Tues. in the classroom and Wed. in the computer lab.  RESOURCES will be checked on Friday!

Health- We are still working on researching the amount of calories, sugar, and fat in the foods that we recorded on our food tracker.  We are also looking at the amount of water we take in. 

Language Arts- This week, we are FINALLY finishing up the capitalization rules w/ 21 "DO NOT CAPS" rules.  This is a review for 6th grade.  CAPS REVIEW AND TEST NEXT WEEK!  We are also analyzing our own creative writing this week, and we are beginning our charity persuasive.  Of course we have spelling this week.  Words are posted on my BLOG.

Reading- Now that we are done with Paint by Magic, we are starting a unit on poetry.  We will start by taking notes on the elements of poetry, and then look at different examples in all kinds of poetry!  The students are also working on their Paint by Magic projects due Thursday, Nov. 13th. 
BOOK PROJECT SIGN UP DUE ON FRIDAY!  (design a book jacket)

*Nov. AR and book projects will be due on Tuesday, Nov. 25th, BEFORE Thanksgiving break! 
REMINDERS- $1.00 dress down on Friday and CONFERENCES start on Friday!

5th Grade

Language Arts-  This week, we are FINALLY finishing up the capitalization rules w/ 21 "DO NOT CAPS" rules.  These are new for 5th grade, but we have talked about many of them during the first 21 CAPS rules.  CAPS REVIEW AND TEST NEXT WEEK!  We are also analyzing our own creative writing this week, and we are beginning our charity persuasive.  Of course we have spelling this week.  Words are posted on my BLOG.

Reading- Now that we are done with Summer of the Swans, we are starting a unit on poetry.  We will start by taking notes on the elements of poetry, and then look at different examples in all kinds of poetry!  The students are working on their Summer of the Swans project due this Wednesday, November 5th!  BOOK PROJECT SIGN UP DUE ON FRIDAY!  (design a book jacket)
*Nov. AR and book projects will be due on Tuesday, Nov. 25th, BEFORE Thanksgiving break!

Religion Spelling Words- Week of Nov. 3rd

Religion Spelling Words
Week of November 3rd     
1. discernment
2. Our Lady of Guadalupe
3. prayer
4. Chosen People
5. canticle