Monday, November 10, 2014

Classroom Corner - Week of Nov. 10

Religion- Unit II Review week!  Unit II Review is due on Friday!  Unit II Test on Friday. The students will play Jeopardy on Wednesday & Thursday.   The essays for the test will also be due Friday- the students got them in class today. 

Social Studies- The students are working hard on researching their topics for their ancient Egyptian projects. We are talking A LOT about plagiarism and how to avoid it. When they are working at home, encourage them to write in their own words & only use words that they know. 

Health- We are working on analyzing our daily diets & comparing what we eat to the food guide pyramid. This week, we will also work on reviewing the first 3 of the 6 essential nutrients. 

Language Arts- The students are hard at work on their charity persuasive essays, and let me tell you, this is going to be a TOUGH choice!  So far, they are awesome!  We will decide what charity we will raise money for on Friday!  Also, CAPS TEST Thursday!  The students will have caps review homework all week, & we will also play Jeopardy. 

Reading- We are outlining the elements of poetry & looking for examples in sample poems. The 6th graders have their projects due Thursday!

Conferences all week!  Please make sure you know your date & time!  Early Release on Wednesday for students- 1:30!

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