Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Our "Attitude of Gratitude" A-Z

A- animals & apples 
B- bees
C- cats
D- dogs
E- earth
F- family & friends
G- God
H- home
I- ice cream & I (myself)
J- jumping 
K- kids @ this school 
L- Lili, Laura & lillipads 
M- mountains & the magic of God
N- not having Ebola
O- oranges & older people
P- pepperoni pizza & Miss Proy :)
Q- quiet time
R- restful nights
S- Standen family & safety of others
T- turtles
U- Us (as in my family being together)
V- video games
W- water
X- X-Rays (health care)
Y- yellow school bus that takes me home
Z- zoolologists

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