Monday, December 15, 2014

Classroom Corner Week of Dec. 15

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

This week, we will have no-
~Spelling words
~Religion spelling words
~Religion test

This week in our classroom-

Health- We are wrapping up our lessons on depression. The students researched places someone who is suffering with depression could go for help. We also read about why some people are more depressed this time of year & strategies to deal with that depression. We also took a look at a depression screening quiz. Finally, & best of all, we wrote letters to parishioners in nursing homes to help cheer them up this holiday season!

Language Arts- The students have Christmas Around the World reports due on Tuesday. On Tuesday, they will share them in class. 

Reading- I will read the students my favorite Christmas story, Silver Packages, & they will write a mini essay based on the theme of the book. I will also share some of my other favorite Christmas stories!
I will also pass out the ook project for January in case anyone is feeling ambitious over break!

Social Studies- Ancient Egyptian projects will be due on Tuesday, January 6th, including some type of visual presentation.  Students are encouraged to work on those this week and/or over break. 

This week-
Monday- caroling at nursing homes
Wednesday- Go Green
Thursday- Christmas concert. 1:30 & 6:30
Friday- class party (students need to bring a new wrapped Christmas ornament for exchange)

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