Monday, January 5, 2015

Classroom Corner Week of Jan. 5th

Religion- This week, we are reading about the Book of Psalms. We will also work in groups to write our own psalms!  Test on Friday over Chapter 12 & religion spelling words handed out today. 

Social Studies- We worked very hard on finalizing our outlines & using citation machine on-line to do our bibliography for our ancient Egyptian research reports!  this week, the students will be presenting their projects to their peers. The students will take notes on their classmates' presentations, & there will be a test next week over the presentations. 

Health- Before break, we read about depression; this week, we will read about anxiety. 

Language Arts- This week, we are back on our regular schedule with DOL & spelling. We are also starting our unit on punctuation- this week, we are studying the rules on period use. We are also reading each day about one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa, and using those to help us write some New Year's promises. 

Reading- We are starting new novels in each grade level- 6th grade- The Warsons Go to Birmingham & 5th grade- Maniac Magee.

Friday- Dollar Dress Down Day

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