Monday, January 12, 2015

Classroom Corner - Week of January 12

Religion- This week, we have Unit III review. The students have all week to complete the Unit III review, including class time on Tues.  We will play Jeopardy on Wed. & Thurs.  The test (including essays) is on Friday. They also have 5 review religion spelling words that will be tested on Friday. 

Social Studies- We have our final 2 presentations this week. The students will have a study day on Tuesday, and then we will play Jeopardy on Wed. & Thurs.  The test over the presentations is on Friday. My suggestion is that the students study a little each night for this test. 

Health- This week, we are learning all about anxiety. The students will watch 2 videos and take notes. They will also learn why it's important to be physically active if they are feeling depressed or have stress or anxiety. 

Language Arts- We will have DOL and spelling words this week. We have a period quiz on Tuesday. After that, we will start apostrophe rules. Lastly, we are wrapping up our study of Kwanzaa.  We have been using the 7 principles of Kwanzaa to write some New Year's promises. 

Reading- We are continuing to read our novels (5th grade- Maniac Magee & 6th grade- The Watsons Go to Birmingham).  We are also doing vocab work & comprehension questions with each chapter. 

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