Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Classroom Corner Week of January 26

Religion- We are reading a lot about King Solomon and his rule as king.  We are also reading about disobedience & restoring our relationship with God. Test on Friday including spelling words. 

Social Studies- We have started our unit on ancient China. This week, we read about China's geography and interpreted climographs. 

Health- We are continuing to study anxiety and how it affects our health. Ask your 6th grader why it's important to be active when they are feeling stress, depression or anxiety. 

Language arts- This week, both classes worked on their DOL, spelling words, & apostrophe use!  Apostrophes are tricky, but we are working hard at getting better at using them correctly. 

Reading- Both classes are continuing to read their novels, which both classes seem to be enjoying. Ask your student what their novel is about. January book projects & AR goals are due on FRIDAY!!

Don't forget to participate in all of our Catholic Schools Week activities!!!

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