Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Homework- Wednesday, March 25

Health- disease report due Wednesday

Both 5th & 6th grades have a comma test tomorrow

March AR Goals & book projects (monologue) due Friday!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Homework- Monday, March 23

Health- study for test & bring resources for disease report!!

See "Classroom Corner" for project due dates!

Classroom Corner- Week of March 23 **Includes project due dates!

Religion- We are wrapping up our discussion on saint by studying one more saint & identifying the steps to becoming a saint. We also have stations on Friday, so come see us there at 2:30!!
NO test or spelling words this week!!

Social studies- We are beginning Greek history. This week, we are studying some leaders who made significant contributions in Greek history like Pericles & Alexander the Great.  We are also working on the vocab preview & identifying main idea and supporting details. Reading skills in social studies?  YES!!!

Health- We are finally wrapping up our unit on infectious diseases!
Monday- jeopardy
Tuesday- test (Chapter 5) & bring resources for report
Thursday- disease reports due!

Reading- We are still working on informational text. Both classes have a chapter book project due Wednesday & their March book projects & Ar goals due Friday!
6th grade will be watching The Watsons Go to Birmingham movie this week. 

Language arts- We are wrapping up comma use. 
Monday- partner review work
Tuesday- jeopardy review game
Thursday- test
We will also work on our super hero projects as time permits. 

Wednesday- Maniac Magee & The Watsons Go to Birmingham projects due. (reading)
Thursday- disease report due (health)
Friday- March AR goals & book projects due (reading) Bring monologue outfit!

Wednesday- Mass with the bishop @ Norwalk St. Paul
Thursday- Shrek the Musical at Elyria Catholic High School 

Tuesday- health test
Thursday- comma test (both grades)

Thank you!!!

To all of the parents who helped out- you are all amazing, & we appreciate you!
Also, thank you to the teachers & families who supported our French Toast Breakfast!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Homework- Wednesday, March 18th

Religion- spelling words, extra credit due Friday, worksheet due tomorrow

Health- Chapter 5 due Monday

Spelling- worksheet includes commas

Remember to work on projects due next week!!!!

Its buddy day!

Our buddies helped us make placemats for the French Toast Breakfast!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Classroom Corner- Monday, March 16

Religion- We are taking s closer look at a few saints including St. Rafka & St. Patrick. I can't wait to see what the students write for their Saints Among Us report (due tomorrow!)  The students have 2 opportunities for extra credit due Friday- Fr. Ron's 168 hour project & steps to be canonized a saint. Spelling test on Friday over the 5 religion spelling words. No chapter test this week!

Social studies- We will be introduced to our next unit of study- the ancient Romans!  We will watch Horrible Histories on Wednesday and complete the vocab preview this week. 

Health- We are wrapping up our unit on infectious diseases. This week are working on staying healthy & managing stress. The students should be working on their disease reports due March 26th. 

Language arts- Both classes are working on the last 3 comma rules. We also have spelling this week, but we won't next week. We are continuing to work on our super heroes. 

Reading- We continue to work with informational text. Both classes should be working on 2 projects- their chapter book project (due March 25th) and their book projects & AR goals (due March 27th).

This week- 
Tuesday- wear green with gym uniform
Wednesday- Go Green Day
Thursday- Lightning Thief field trip

Homework- Monday, March 16

Religion- spelling words, St. Patrick paper, & Saints Among Us report due tomorrow!!!

Health- worksheet  (both sides)

Spelling- rainbow words or 5x each for words missed on pre-test

5th reading- Maniac Magee flow map due tomorrow

Wear green with your gym uniform!!

Spelling words Week of March 16


Religion spelling words Week of March 16

feast day

Friday, March 13, 2015

Homework due Monday, March 16th

Social studies- open book test

Health- worksheet (make sure you do both sides)

**religion extra credit due Fri., March 20- Fr. Ron's 168 hour project. (20 points)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homework- Thursday, March 12

Religion- Chapter 17 review & test tomorrow; also, study spelling words

Social studies- open book test due Monday

Health- worksheet due Monday

6th language arts- super hero storybook due tomorrow!

6th reading- ocean vocab WS

5th language- comma paper 

5th reading- Maniac Magee movie paragraph

**Both classes have a comma quiz over rules 8-10 tomorrow. 

Projects in progress-
Religion saint report due Tues. 
Health disease report due Th., March 26
Reading Watsons project due Wed., March 25

Reading Maniac project due Wed., March 25 (flow map due Tues.)

MARCH BOOK PROJECT (monologue) & AR goals due Friday, March 27

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Homework- Wednesday, March 11th

Religion- saint report due Tuesday

Social studies- open book test due Monday

Health- worksheet due Monday

6th l. arts- super hero storybook due Friday

Spelling- worksheet 

5th reading- Maniac flow map due Tuesday 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Homework- Tuesday, March 10th

Religion- spelling words & worksheet
               Saints Among Us report due Tues., March 17th

Social studies- Buddhism worksheet

Spelling- worksheet

5th reading- Maniac Magee tree map due tomorrow 

5th language arts- super hero drawing due tomorrow 

6th reading- Watsons project due March 25th

6th language- super hero storybook  due Fri.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Devin & his outstanding book project

How to Train Your Dragon

Lili & her outstanding book project :)

Homework- Monday, March 9

Social studies- Hinduism WS & paragraph on back 

Health- dream vacation WS

Spelling- ABC order all 20 words

5th grade language- comma practice half sheet

6th grade language- super hero storybook due Friday

5th grade language- super hero drawing due Wednesday

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Homework- Thursday, March 5th

Religion- Unit IV test & study spelling words. Unit IV Review tomorrow

Health- WS due tomorrow (second half of Lesson 3)

Spelling- test tomorrow

5th language arts- super hero essay due TYPED

Reading- AR sheets & book project sign up due tomorrow

Dollar dress down!!! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Homework- Wednesday, March 4th

Religion- Unit IV review due Friday & test 

Health- worksheet due Friday

Spelling- worksheet

Language arts- comma test Rules 1-7 tomorrow

Reading- AR sheet & bookroject sign up due Friday

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Homework- Tuesday, March 3

Religion- Unit IV review due Friday   Study for Jeopardy starting tomorrow

Health- worksheet

Spelling- worksheet

Language arts- comma worksheet

5th grade language arts- super hero due on Friday TYPED

Reading- AR sheet & book project sign up due Friday

6th grade reading- Watsons project due March 25th

Monday, March 2, 2015

Homework- Monday, March 2

Religion- Unit IV review due Friday

Health- Lesson 2 WS with test prep

Spelling- choose rainbow words or 5x each for words missed on pre-test

5th grade language arts- final copy of super hero essay due TYPED by Friday

6th grade reading- epilogue questions

Classroom Corner Week of March 2

Religion- This week, we are completing Unit IV review (due Friday). Our Unit IV test including essays will be on Friday. We will also play Jeopardy for those coveted bonus points!  I am reading 90 Minutes in Heaven aloud to the class. Throughout the book, we will complete journals related to the book. It is truly an intriguing story!  We are also tracking our Lenten promises as part of our iLead binders. 

Social studies- We are continuing our study of ancient India & Persia. 

Health- We are continuing to study how to control the spread of disease. This week, we are taking a closer look at the immune system. I will also be assigning a disease report that the students will be completing. 

Reading- Both classes have finished their novels. We are doing some wrap up activities including taking the AR test. Both grades have been assigned a project related to the novel. This week, we will be practicing reading & interpreting informational text.  This was identified as a weakness through our fall MAP testing.   The students also received their March book project papers today 

Language arts- We DO have spelling this week!  We are also continuing tore view Comma Rules 1-7 with a test on Friday. Both grades are working on their super hero projects. 5th grade's final copy of their essay is due TYPED on Friday. 

Spelling words week of March 2nd


Religion spelling words (review) week of March 2nd

Theological Virtues
Original Sin

Laura's Facebook page for Ramona Quimby

Julie's Facebook page for Greg Heffley

Kostya's Facebook page for Greg Heffley