Monday, March 16, 2015

Classroom Corner- Monday, March 16

Religion- We are taking s closer look at a few saints including St. Rafka & St. Patrick. I can't wait to see what the students write for their Saints Among Us report (due tomorrow!)  The students have 2 opportunities for extra credit due Friday- Fr. Ron's 168 hour project & steps to be canonized a saint. Spelling test on Friday over the 5 religion spelling words. No chapter test this week!

Social studies- We will be introduced to our next unit of study- the ancient Romans!  We will watch Horrible Histories on Wednesday and complete the vocab preview this week. 

Health- We are wrapping up our unit on infectious diseases. This week are working on staying healthy & managing stress. The students should be working on their disease reports due March 26th. 

Language arts- Both classes are working on the last 3 comma rules. We also have spelling this week, but we won't next week. We are continuing to work on our super heroes. 

Reading- We continue to work with informational text. Both classes should be working on 2 projects- their chapter book project (due March 25th) and their book projects & AR goals (due March 27th).

This week- 
Tuesday- wear green with gym uniform
Wednesday- Go Green Day
Thursday- Lightning Thief field trip

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