Monday, March 23, 2015

Classroom Corner- Week of March 23 **Includes project due dates!

Religion- We are wrapping up our discussion on saint by studying one more saint & identifying the steps to becoming a saint. We also have stations on Friday, so come see us there at 2:30!!
NO test or spelling words this week!!

Social studies- We are beginning Greek history. This week, we are studying some leaders who made significant contributions in Greek history like Pericles & Alexander the Great.  We are also working on the vocab preview & identifying main idea and supporting details. Reading skills in social studies?  YES!!!

Health- We are finally wrapping up our unit on infectious diseases!
Monday- jeopardy
Tuesday- test (Chapter 5) & bring resources for report
Thursday- disease reports due!

Reading- We are still working on informational text. Both classes have a chapter book project due Wednesday & their March book projects & Ar goals due Friday!
6th grade will be watching The Watsons Go to Birmingham movie this week. 

Language arts- We are wrapping up comma use. 
Monday- partner review work
Tuesday- jeopardy review game
Thursday- test
We will also work on our super hero projects as time permits. 

Wednesday- Maniac Magee & The Watsons Go to Birmingham projects due. (reading)
Thursday- disease report due (health)
Friday- March AR goals & book projects due (reading) Bring monologue outfit!

Wednesday- Mass with the bishop @ Norwalk St. Paul
Thursday- Shrek the Musical at Elyria Catholic High School 

Tuesday- health test
Thursday- comma test (both grades)

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