Thursday, February 26, 2015

Lenten prayer

Homework due Monday, March 2

BOTH GRADES---> AR & book projects (fake Facebook profile) due Monday!

6th Grade-
Reading- Ch. 15 questions 
Language arts- super hero story scrap copy

5th Grade-
Language arts- super hero essay scrap copy (all 4 sections written in paragraph form)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Homework- Tuesday, Feb. 24

Religion- prayer & extra credit due tomorrow; essay, Chapter 16 review due Thurs. Test Th- Chapter 16 & spelling words

Social Studies- vocab preview & Lesson 1 due tomorrow!

Health- Lesson 1 two worksheets due tomorrow

Spelling- test tomorrow!

Language arts- comma quiz (rules 5-7) tomorrow

5th language- lair or costume paragraph due tomorrow

Both grades!  Book projects & AR goals due Monday instead of Thursday!!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Homework- Wednesday, Feb. 18

Religion- WS due tomorrow, prayer & extra credit due Friday.  Study sp. Words

Social studies- Chapter 5 vocab preview due Friday

Health- Lesson 1 WS due Friday

5th language- "How I Became a Super Hero" in paragraph form due tomorrow

Spelling- WS 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Homework- Tues. Feb. 17

Religion- worksheet due Thursday & prayer due Friday

Social studies- multiple choice test tomorrow & review assignment will be collected 

Health- worksheet (#'s 1-3 only!)

Spelling- sentences for words missed

5th grade language- rival flow map done & comma rule practice for rules 5-7 (worksheet)

5h grade reading- Maniac worksheet

Classroom Corner- Week of Feb. 17

Religion- This week. We are studying about prayer. The students are writing their own prayers, which are due on Friday. They should also be thinking about their Lenten promises. We will write about those next week. Test including spelling words on Friday. 

Social studies- Test over ancient China on Wednesday. We will start ancient Persia next week. 

Health- We are starting a unit on controlling disease. Part of this unit will include writing a report on a disease of the student's choice. More information to come!

Language arts- This week, we have homophones for our spelling words. We are also practicing comma use with Rules 5-7. We are also working hard on our super hero stories. 

Reading- Both classes are nearing the end of their novels. Ask your 5th or 6th grader what is happening in Maniac Magee or The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963.  

Book projects & AR Goals are due Thursday, Feb. 26th!

Spelling words- Week of Feb. 17 (homophones)


Religion spelling words Week of Feb. 17


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Homework- Thursday, February 12th

Religion- Chapter 15 Review, study for test- Chapter 15 & spelling words

Social studies- Chapter 4 Review due Tuesday

5th & 6th grade language- comma quiz over Rules 1-4

6th language arts- super hero flee map due tomorrow

6th grade reading- extra credit 1) bring in U.S. Road atlas 2) Quiz Time WS

Valentine party
Wear red on top w/ uniform bottoms
Bring $1 for missions

Book Orders!

I passed out book orders today to both 5th & 6th grade students. 
They are due on Wed., February 18th. 
Checks should be made out to Scolastic Book Company. 

Conference Papers

I will be having conferences Monday, February 23 & Tuesday, February 24.  

I sent home conference papers yesterday. 

If I have requested a conference, please return the paper ASAP. 

If you would like to request a conference, please do so ASAP. 

If we do not have a conference, your 6th grader's interim will be sent home on Wednesday, February 25. 

Thank you & think spring!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Homework- Tuesday, Feb. 10th

6th grade language arts- correct & return comma paper

Spelling- worksheet

Reading- AR Sheets due tomorrow 

5th grade reading- Maniac quiz questions for Chapters 24-26 (& read chapters)

5th language arts- finish first super hero flow map (How I Became a Super Hero)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Kennedy & her lamb- so sweet

For our very first Scholastic Day, Mrs Beursken brought in her lamb to share for Pet Care. Below, Kennedy is holding her lamb with 5th grader, Laura R.

Homework- Monday, Feb. 9th

Religion- spelling words

Health- STUDY for Jeopardy & test.  Test Wednesday!!

Spelling- triangle words or 5x each (student may choose)

Reading- AR paper due Wednesday

5th language arts- comma practice, Rules 1-4

5th reading- Maniac work, Chapters 22 & 23 (due tomorrow)

Religion spelling words Week of Feb. 9

Precepts of the Church
Theological Virtues
moral virtues

Spelling words Week of Feb. 9


Classroom Corner Week of February 9th

Religion- We are learning about the precepts of the church, Theological Virtues, & moral virtues. Test, including spelling, on Friday. 

Social studies- We are finishing up Chapter 4 including Lesson 3 on the legacy of thought in ancient China. Ask your 6th grader about Confucious. Jeopardy & test next week. 

Health- We are playing Jeopardy this week. We have a test over depression, anxiety, & stress on Wednesday. 

Reading- Both classes are continuing to read in their novels. AR papers due Wednesday. Stay on top of the book project & AR goals- Feb. is a short month!

Language arts- We do have spelling this week. Besides spelling, we have 2 main areas of focus- comma rules & Super Hero projects!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

6th grade homework due MONDAY, Feb. 9th

Social studies- Lesson 2 worksheet (front & back)

Health- study guide due (study for Jeopardy & test WEDNESDAY)

Other- Have a good weekend!

Logan worked hard on his hieroglyphic alphabet!

Working together to crack the code

Matt & Emery

Jimmy cracking the code....

... On Adam's hieroglyphic project!

Devin's game- Freedom!

Kennedy, Adam, & Devin!

Laura's Harry Potter game- pretty cool!

Kostya's game- Rhyme Time!

All of the 5th grade boys- Brendan, Aiden, Michael, & Kostya!!

Homework- Thursday, Feb. 5th

Religion- Chapter 14 review, test, & spelling words

Social studies- Lesson 2 worksheet due Monday

Health- study guide due Monday (study for Jeopardy & test)

L. Arts- apostrophe quiz tomorrow (5th grade packet due tomorrow)

Reading- book project sign up due tomorrow

Dollar Dress Down tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Homework- Wednesday, Feb. 4

Religion- WS & sp words

Social studies- hieroglyphics project due tomorrow!  Lesson 2 WS due Mon.

Health- study guide due Mon.

5th Language arts- apostrophe packet due Friday.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Playing Lili's game- What dork are you?

Playing Kennedy's game- Chronicles of the Red King

Religion spelling words week of Feb. 3rd

Good Shepherd

Homework- Tuesday, February 3rd

Religion- WS & spelling words

Social studies- China's dynasties (WS)

5th grade language arts- apostrophe practice packet due Fri. 

6th grade hieroglyphics project due Thursday!!!!

Classroom Corner Week of February 3

Religion- We are reading about the prophecy of our messiah. We are also reading about Jesus as our shepherd. Test & spelling words on Friday!

Social Studies- This week, we are reading about China's past, including the dynasties. Chinese history is 4,000 years old!  We also have our hieroglyphics project due Thursday. 

Health- We are wrapping up our unit on mental disorders. We read health scenarios today about people who are suffering with a mental disorder. We identified what they are suffering from, & 2 ways that they could seek help. Tomorrow, we will start our study guide in preparation for Jeopardy & our test next week. 

Language arts- We are finishing up apostrophe use with a quiz on Friday. Also, the students are VERY excited about their super hero projects!!!  NO spelling this week. 

Reading- We are playing our board games today. Then we will continue reading in our novels. Today, they will also be getting their book project info for February!!