Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Classroom Corner Week of February 3

Religion- We are reading about the prophecy of our messiah. We are also reading about Jesus as our shepherd. Test & spelling words on Friday!

Social Studies- This week, we are reading about China's past, including the dynasties. Chinese history is 4,000 years old!  We also have our hieroglyphics project due Thursday. 

Health- We are wrapping up our unit on mental disorders. We read health scenarios today about people who are suffering with a mental disorder. We identified what they are suffering from, & 2 ways that they could seek help. Tomorrow, we will start our study guide in preparation for Jeopardy & our test next week. 

Language arts- We are finishing up apostrophe use with a quiz on Friday. Also, the students are VERY excited about their super hero projects!!!  NO spelling this week. 

Reading- We are playing our board games today. Then we will continue reading in our novels. Today, they will also be getting their book project info for February!!  

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