Monday, February 9, 2015

Classroom Corner Week of February 9th

Religion- We are learning about the precepts of the church, Theological Virtues, & moral virtues. Test, including spelling, on Friday. 

Social studies- We are finishing up Chapter 4 including Lesson 3 on the legacy of thought in ancient China. Ask your 6th grader about Confucious. Jeopardy & test next week. 

Health- We are playing Jeopardy this week. We have a test over depression, anxiety, & stress on Wednesday. 

Reading- Both classes are continuing to read in their novels. AR papers due Wednesday. Stay on top of the book project & AR goals- Feb. is a short month!

Language arts- We do have spelling this week. Besides spelling, we have 2 main areas of focus- comma rules & Super Hero projects!

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