Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Classroom Corner- Week of Feb. 17

Religion- This week. We are studying about prayer. The students are writing their own prayers, which are due on Friday. They should also be thinking about their Lenten promises. We will write about those next week. Test including spelling words on Friday. 

Social studies- Test over ancient China on Wednesday. We will start ancient Persia next week. 

Health- We are starting a unit on controlling disease. Part of this unit will include writing a report on a disease of the student's choice. More information to come!

Language arts- This week, we have homophones for our spelling words. We are also practicing comma use with Rules 5-7. We are also working hard on our super hero stories. 

Reading- Both classes are nearing the end of their novels. Ask your 5th or 6th grader what is happening in Maniac Magee or The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963.  

Book projects & AR Goals are due Thursday, Feb. 26th!

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