Monday, September 8, 2014

Classroom Corner Week of September 8th

6th Grade

Religion- We are reading about Abraham and Sarah, and we will read the story of Mary and the angel Gabriel.  Test on Friday.

Social Studies- We are delving into Chapter 1- Digging up the Past.  We are reading about the first hunters and gatherers and early farmers.  Ask your student the difference between history and pre-history, and about the first people in America.

Reading- We are continuing to read and explore our novel, Paint by Magic.  We are learning a lot about our main character, Connor, and the bizarre things happening at his house.  Ask your student what is happening at Connor's house that is cause for alarm.

Language Arts- We are still working on our sensory essay about a place that we visited this summer.  We have our second week of spelling words.  This week, we will review capitalization rules from last year, especially how to mark titles in type and in handwriting.  Quiz your student!

Health- We are taking a much closer look at UV index.  Each student should be researching the UV index of Vermilion and another U.S. city of choice each day.  The students have 2 assignments due on Friday- the UV Index chart and an essay about how they protect themselves in the sun.  Jeopardy and test next week!

5th Grade

Reading- We are finishing our vocab circles for our novel, and then we will start reading our novel, Summer of the Swans

Language Arts- We have our second list of spelling words.  This week, we will take notes on the first 5 capitalization rules including titles.  We are also continuing to work on our sensory essay about a place that we visited this summer.

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